Meaningful Distinction:

Patrick S. Lasswell Look outward for something to accomplish, not inward for something to despise.
pslblog at gmail dot com
Thursday, January 15, 2004
In the Dictionary Listed as Hard Corps Marine

Figure the odds this guy becomes a DI.

Local Marine injured in Afghanistan returning to duty
Written by: Cheryl Preheim, 9NEWS Reporter

AURORA - A Marine from Aurora is making history. Nearly two years ago, Cpl. Chris Chandler lost part of his leg in a land mine explosion in Afghanistan.

Chandler was fitted with a prosthetic foot after the explosion. He worked to regain his strength so he could re-take the Marine physical fitness test. He didn't just pass, he also graduated from jump school, making him the first amputee to ever go through the elite parachuting training.

Naturally, his family is very proud. “It is groundbreaking because he does have a prosthetic foot and because he did do it on his own he didn't have to take an easy way out,” said Stephanie Chandler, Chris’ sister. “It was done just like anyone else.”

Chandler has also been promoted to the rank of sergeant. He's on his way back to Camp Pendleton in California until he is deployed back overseas. No word on just when he'll go.

(Copyright 2004 by 9NEWS KUSA-TV. All Rights Reserved)

Hat Tip: Blackfive - The Paratrooper of Love
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